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A small group, when referencing health insurance in Utah, is a business with 50 or fewer employees. Distinguishing large and small groups is important because, for each, there are different laws and methods for coverage.
In this world of growing competition, it’s becoming more and more difficult for businesses to hire and retain the best employees possible. This is especially the case with small businesses, who must fight tooth and nail for every basis point of growth. As a small business, your compensation structure needs to be able to compete with that of a bigger, more established company. That means the benefits you provide should be comprehensive.
Employees cite insurance benefits as the number one most important benefit they consider when applying for jobs. Although small businesses are not required by law to provide insurance, failing to do so can hurt your productivity, reputation, and the overall health and happiness of your team.
Start the journey to competitive compensation by getting a free quote to start your journey.
Altura is here to bring you the best possible prices on your group health insurance while delivering an efficient and smooth experience.
However, it doesn’t stop there: we’re also heavily experienced advisors! We offer comprehensive payroll advice and benefits structure consultations for businesses of any size. Check out all of our employee benefits services to see what Altura Benefits can do for you!
It is important to know that coverage for small businesses is typically guaranteed, regardless of pre-existing conditions. That means that no matter how small your company is and what ailments affect new and current employees, you won’t be denied coverage.
Unlike personal insurance, you can shop for your company’s coverage year-round without waiting for an enrollment period.
We get that employee health insurance can be tough to figure out. Altura Benefits specializes in crafting the best possible solution for your specific situation.
In order to qualify for small group insurance in Utah, you must have between 2 and 49 employees. If your business falls outside of this range, you are no longer allowed to enroll in small-group insurance. Keep in mind that, often, owners themselves factor into this amount.
If you’re still unsure of whether or not your business qualifies for small group insurance, or would like to talk to someone about coverage options, contact Altura Benefits and we’ll help you out!